Apr 8, 2019 | Fitness, Focus, Fulfillment, Habits, Happiness, Health, Nutrition, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Wellness
As a kid my room was very much like the end of Indian Jones and the Last Crusade where Indi had to dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge (movie reference switch just for fun). If you didn’t know the exact footwork to get through it you were likely to break a leg or...
Apr 8, 2019 | Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
Yesterday, I was dealing with a case of the “Mondays” which is not a normal occurrence for me in general. (Dealing with the business owner “Everydays” is more normal.) Then life punched me in the gut in a rather sad way forcing me...
Apr 8, 2019 | Fulfillment, Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
No matter our age we’re all children in our own right. Because adulting is hard work. My child has learned the word, not necessarily the meaning of, promise. “I promise to go to bed when dad gets home if I can stay up now and play.” “I promise...
Apr 8, 2019 | Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
We’re preparing to homeschool our children. We keep asking ourselves things like… – Are we ready? – Do we have the right curriculum? – Is our house set up for optimal learning? – Do we know what we’re doing? – Do we know...
Apr 8, 2019 | Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
You’re sitting in the middle of the Pacifica Ocean on a fully equipped boat ready for your next adventure. You call your friend Billy on the ol’ sat phone… “Hey Billy, I want to explore Africa what is the best way to get there?’ Billy, an...
Mar 27, 2019 | Fitness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
Joe: “I ran my best time ever in the 5k this weekend.” Me: “Great job!” Joe: “The weird thing is I stopped running when I started working out here (Kvell).” Me: “Yeah, you’re not the first person to say that. ...