Joe: “I ran my best time ever in the 5k this weekend.”
Me: “Great job!”
Joe: “The weird thing is I stopped running when I started working out here (Kvell).”
Me: “Yeah, you’re not the first person to say that. I’m curious why you think this happens?”
Joe: “I think it’s because I am stronger in my core and legs.”
Me: “That’s definitely a part of it and not the whole story.”
Many times the not so obvious things are what contribute the most to our success or failure.
Like when you attend a conference and the largest value comes from the networking done outside of the presentations.
Our Kvellians, just like Joe, get better because we focus on the inconspicuous things like optimal movement patterns, full body strength building, mobility, and conditioning to name a few.
We often have people come in who tell us how well they’re skiing, running, or hiking due to the consistency and time they’ve put in at Kvell.
However, it’s rarely wholly due to the conspicuous things.
As an example, people think they’re skiing better due to more leg training and although there’s truth to this again it’s not the whole story.
They are better at these things because they are better at using their body and their body as a whole is better conditioned.
When you move better everything is easier.
When you have more mobility in your joints movement and activity is easier.
When you’re stronger you don’t get tired as fast.
When you have less weight to move around you’re more agile, athletic, and energetic.
Going back to the skiing example…
A stronger upper body will allow for great control of your body and better skiing ability.
Focusing on the inconspicuous things in life will often lead to better results.
Brett “Inconspicuous” Denton