You’re sitting in the middle of the Pacifica Ocean on a fully equipped boat ready for your next adventure.
You call your friend Billy on the ol’ sat phone…
“Hey Billy, I want to explore Africa what is the best way to get there?’
Billy, an airplane pilot, replies…
“Catch a flight from L.A. to Rio De Janeiro and then another one to Johannesburg. From there you will be able to choose which part of Africa to visit next.”
To get multiple opinions you thank Billy and call your friend Joan.
“Hey Joan, I want to explore Africa what’s the best way to get there?”
Joan, a world sailor, replies…
“How exciting! I have sailed that route many times. Simply head south until you reach the southern point of South America, zip by the Falkland Islands, and port in South Africa.”
You want one final opinion and so you call your dad.
“Hey, Dad I’m in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and want to visit Africa next. What’s the best way to get there?”
Dad replies…
“I think you should port in L.A. and RV across the United States.”
This is an example of what happens when we ask for advice.
We get opinions from people that are skewed to what they would do or what their experience is.
There experience and skew is why we’re asking them for advice, but, and it’s a big BUT…
…we must have at least an idea of what we want out of the adventure to make sense of the advice.
In fitness, a bodybuilder is going to give you wildly different advice than a gymanst.
In money making, a lifelong employee is going to give you different advice than a lifelong entrpreneur.
Getting advice is great, but be careful whose advice you take.
Make sure it aligns with what you want out of the experience.
Most of all advice or not figure out what you want out of this grand adventure called life.
Brett “Bon Voyage” Denton