Jan 21, 2019 | Focus, Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
Everybody seems to want to get more done, including me. I know for a fact that I will run out of life before I accomplish everything I want to accomplish…or will I? (there’s whole other email about “wants” that I will leave dormant for now) Is...
Jan 10, 2019 | Focus, Fulfillment, Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
Life is finite. Productivity is a scam. You will never accomplish a fraction of the things you want to accomplish. Everything is not peachy keen all of the time for anybody. Weathering the storms and paying attention to the seasons of your life is a valuable...
Jan 8, 2019 | Focus, Fulfillment, Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success, Uncategorized
There’s an attitude that permeates the American psyche. It’s an attitude that we are not enough. We have to go harder. Intensity is the root of all success. We must “hustle.” We must be more than we are. If you’ve never accomplished...
Dec 1, 2018 | Fulfillment, Happiness, Shot in the Arm, Success
How to be overwhelmed, under-happy, and a Scrooge for the holidays. 1. Put more things on your to-do list than hours in the day available to do them. While you’re at it let your emails pile up. 2. Work more and exercise less. 3. Watch more TV and leave those...