We’re nearly one month into 2019.
How are you doing with your new year’s resolutions?
Most people at this point have either given up completely, will “start next month,” or are holding on for dear life and will crash and burn soon.
There’s still hope no matter which group you’re in.
Goal setting, success, and resolutions are not like a Ron Popeil Rotisserie infomercial, you cannot “set it and forget it.”
You have to create the recipe, prep, cook, taste, tweak, until you have achieved the dish that works for you.
Take a look over your resolutions today and figure out what needs to be tweaked so that you can start moving forward on them in February.
HINT: Reduction, just like in cooking, usually concentrates things and makes them more powerful.
To start we just want forward progress.
The amount or speed of forward progress doesn’t matter at this point.
Get moving in the correct direction, build momentum, and THEN work to pick up speed if you choose.
Brett “Slow Cook Your Goals” Denton