11.05.2024 02.20.44 REC

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(208) 314-2110



Boise Location

814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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Break Out of the Mold

If a way of doing something isn’t working doing that thing harder is not likely the solution. If you’re doing copious amounts of cardio and still not getting the body you want doing more cardio is not likely going to have the impact you’re looking...

Annoying Daily Tasks

I cannot remember a time when I didn’t have something that needed to be done. Mow the lawn. Do the dishes. Weed the flower bed. Sign the boys up for sports. Workout. Clean up dog poo. The list is neverending. These tasks are nagging annoyances. As I finished...

Watch for the Landmines

At my household, we have two dogs, two children, and a partridge in a pear tree. Being a dog owner I feel compelled to warn people to “watch for landmines” when we’re walking around the backyard. I’m unnaturally paranoid that my children are...

Have You Tried?

I was once asked what was easier than I thought it would be as I have grown my businesses. My response, “How easy it was to connect with people I thought it would be impossible to connect with and how willing they were to help.” It can be intimidating to...

That’s Stereotypical…

Stereotypes abound in our world of fast-paced microwave thinking. We have survived as a species partly due to stereotypes. Big sharp teeth = bad, RUN! Stereotypes serve a purpose and also have many faults. We are told constantly how things are to be done and what is...

Rules of the Game

Gravity is a law. If you want to live on Earth you must understand and work with it. When you understand the rules you can learn to use them to your advantage. This is what the Wright brothers did with gravity when they invented the airplane. Everything we do in life...