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Transformation Experiments

Transformation Experiments | Week 4

Last week I was flying high with all of my “momentum”… but this week surprised me. I started out excited and eager to weigh in on Monday, only to discover that my numbers didn’t really change. I was feeling a little discouraged but it got me fired up and I took this...

Transformation Experiments | Week 3

M O M E N T U M . I’ve decided that’s all I needed. I’m nearing my 3rd week of this personal transformation. When I weighed in this past Monday, I discovered that I’d lost 4 lbs of fat in only 2 weeks. I was high fiving myself because I wasn’t sure it would actually...

Transformation Experiments | Week 2

Measurements: Weight: 154.7 Body Fat: 28.5 Lean Body Mass: 110.7 Fat Mass: 44 It’s been nearly two weeks since I started my personal nutrition and fitness challenge. I’ve quickly learned that my habits were not as healthy as I had originally thought. Of course my...

Transformation Experiments | Week 1

Measurements: Weight 157.8 Body Fat Percent 30.5 Lean Body Mass 109.67 Fat Mass 48.13 Hi, my name is Cody. My husband and I joined the Lab over six years ago. It’s been a fun journey watching this gym grow and change and adjust– all while changing lives. During this...