11.05.2024 02.20.44 REC

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409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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This past week I’ve been asking myself some tough questions and have had to make some big personal decisions. Tack that onto my daily duties and I’d say my stress level has been elevated a bit. I’m an overall happy person and my energy level radiates at a pretty high frequency. What’s funny, is that because I typically look at the positive side of things, I wasn’t really conscious of how much stress I have been under.

For me, the goal of this process has been to get more in tune with myself by digging deeper to find answers by asking hard questions. I am finding out that I actually don’t need to dig deep at all– I know the answers but for the longest time I just haven’t been asking myself the right questions. This in turn has helped me manage myself and become more honest with myself.

So far, the most exciting parts of getting my nutrition in check and meeting my fitness goals, is how everything else in my life starts to follow the same healthy patterns. It’s like a major life reorganization. Each week becomes less about my body and more about me as a whole person. Instead of stressing out and having anxiety, I’m journaling, taking time out for myself and even doing bits of meditation.

The next big step for me is to work these habits (journaling, meditation, quiet walks) into my daily life, just as I have nutrition and exercise!