Jan 12, 2023 | Group Exercise
Active Lifestyle Examples When it comes time to get yourself a gym membership that you actually want to use, a lot of people recommend getting into a group exercise program that you actually want to use because it lines up with your very active lifestyle and it...
Jan 3, 2023 | Group Exercise
What are the Benefits of Exercise? There are many benefits to exercise. The majority of the benefits of exercise, if one was to write a paragraph about the benefits of exercise, that is, would probably break down into the following basic workout categories: There are...
Dec 28, 2022 | Group Exercise
Workout Accountability Getting the right type of accountability is the key to making sure that you achieve your health and fitness goals. What are your participation in some form group exercise, or you are using personal training to accomplish your health and fitness...
Dec 20, 2022 | Group Exercise
Exercise: There are many benefits to group exercise. There are social benefits of exercise. There are mental benefits of exercise. Now we’ve already gone over the 35 benefits of exercise, so let’s focus on the physical benefits of regular exercise for now. ...
Dec 20, 2022 | Group Exercise
How to Start Exercising Again Stuck? Not feeling it? Just don’t want to get out of bed? Getting back into the swing of things when it comes to working out can be very challenging. For some, getting some group exercise classes in can help them to jumpstart...
Dec 20, 2022 | Group Exercise
Group Exercise Are you still considering whether it is better for you to start exercising alone or in a group right now? While group exercise is a way to work out that is popular with many people, it is not always the best choice for absolutely everyone. There are...