Kvell or better put the business that has developed into Kvell, is ten years old today. (For the full background story go here)
I was going to throw a celebration party, but the thing about business and life is that often we get too busy and involved running the business and doing life to stop and celebrate.
Although, I did not throw a party this mark in time got me thinking about success.
How does one determine if one is successful?
In my opinion, the only person who can determine if they have achieved success is the individual pursuing it.
The caveat is that that individual must have a definition of success.
Many of us have no definition or endpoint by which we can finally say I have succeeded.
If you have no endpoint you will never achieve success no matter what other people tell you and that is a hard pill to swallow day after day.
According to the Small Business Administration, only 34% of new businesses make it to 10 years and even after 10 years of business they are not out of the woods.
Only 25% of businesses make it to 15 years or more.
Sobering statistics for business owners and potential business owners.
I have been in business for a total of 12 years and with a physical brick and mortar location that Kvell calls home for 10.
We still have three years to go before we can join the ranks of the 25% that make it 15 years or more.
But even then, will we be “successful”?
It depends.
I have a robust definition of what success is for myself, my family, Kvell, Kvellians, and the Kvell team just to name a few categories.
For without a solid definition of success, I state again, I would never know what I was going after and if or when I achieve it.
No two definitions of success are the same for any two categories nor should they be the same for any two people.
Your success and impact is your fingerprint upon the world. Why not make it unique and wholly you?
The one common thread that runs through every one of my definitions of success is to achieve “optimal.”
What I define as optimal then determines what success metrics I use to measure my progress and ultimately success.
With that said, at Kvell we feel successful every time we take people through a workout, coach them on improving their nutrition, or help them make a mind shift that improves their life.
After all, life is simply a series of moments and actions and if we can help people improve their lives in more of those moments and actions than we are successful.
I appreciate, love, and kvell for every person who has been a client or supported me and this business to this point. I could have never done it without you. It is because of you, your support, and your trust in us that we will continue to strive for a better, bigger, and more impactful business.
If you want to help us celebrate the best ways are as follows:
1. Come to Kvell and get a workout in.
2. Buy my book and read it: Provoking Success: 24 Quick Lessons to Hone Your Principles, Purpose, and Power
3. Tell your friends and family about Kvell.
4. Give us a review on Google if you have not already. Click Here
5. Give our coaches and team some love, they are the ones that make the magic happen and they work HARD to do it, enjoying every minute barring the minutes spent with me 😉
6. Write down your definition of success and send it to me.
Brett “I feel old for being only 10” Denton