11.05.2024 02.20.44 REC

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(208) 314-2110



Boise Location

814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

Stay Connected

…gives you a pandemic stay your butt at home?  

Ha!  No, that’s not it.  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Now, more than ever the world would be well served to embrace this ethos.  

Lemon – Pandemic

Lemon – Stay at home

Lemon – “Non-Essential” businesses are closed. Don’t worry “essential” ones like drive-through sugar coffee shops, donut shops, and ice cream parlors are still open 😉 

Lemon – Working from home with your children also “working” from home 

Lemon – Unemployed

I am sure you have other lemons you can add to the basket.  Our baskets are BRIMMING with ripe juicy sour lemons perfect for making lemonade for the industrious.  Oh, yeah, that.  The industrious.  Lemons don’t cut, squash, juice, sugar, and stir themselves.  

Lemonade – create a more robust protocol and health system for sickness and disease.

Lemonade – No commute means time added back to your day to do with as you please.  Instead of commuting take care of something that you have been neglecting because of “lack of time”.

Lemonade – Help support local businesses that are struggling.  Show how much you care that they stay in business.  

Lemonade – Enjoy this time with your children even though at times it may be frustrating.  This frustration is largely due to not having figuring out how to make it work, yet.  Keep working at it.  Set boundaries.  Find a way to enjoy it as you can either make it hell for them or the time of their life.  

Lemonade – use this as an opportunity to do something wildly different than you have ever done.  Use this as a chance to learn new skills from a different “essential” industry.  Sometimes you have to squeeze those lemons HARD to get the juice out.  

I can’t wait to see how much lemonade and what flavors you can make.  Now get to squeezing those lemons.