In every area of my life, I can find something that’s holding me back.
Last week, midway through bemoaning all of the things holding me back to my coach, something became very clear.
Nothing was holding me back.
I was failing to move forward.
The words coming out of my mouth were an old script of issues that I had already solved, were in the process of solving, know somebody who could solve them or had decided were a non-issue.
It was like standing on a riverbank with a bridge in front of me saying I couldn’t cross because there was no bridge when I arrived 10 years ago, when in reality I had build the bridge over the past 10 years and was failing to see it and thus failing to walk across it.
This was freeing and also scary.
Now, I was fully responsible for what does or does not happen moving forward.
I was responsible for the building of the bridge, the repair of the bridge, and the walking across the bridge.
The sooner you take full responsibility for your life and your outcomes the freer you’ll be and the more you’ll accomplish.
The faster you will get to the other side of the river.
It’s easy to blame and point fingers, but it rarely leads to fulfillment, happiness, or success.
The default is to fault the external or even hide behind your own faults. (Hiding behind your own faults albeit real is still a cop out)
Thus, by failing to purposefully take responsibility you will be shortchanging your life by being stuck in a cycle of blame and regret instead of purpose and freedom.
Get in the habit of asking yourself frequently if you’re taking full responsibility for the outcomes you desire.
Are there any bridges you need to complete or simply walk across?
Brett “I Am Responsible” Denton