11.05.2024 02.20.44 REC

Contact us


(208) 314-2110



Boise Location

814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

Stay Connected

Success, happiness, joy or whatever else you want to call it in life comes down to progress.  That’s it.  Make progress day after day and you will feel like you are going somewhere, doing something, being somebody. 

Track this progress so that you can see it for added motivation and reward.  Keep a chart or a journal where you can see your progress over the days, months and years.  Pictures also serve well for this purpose.

Progress.  Focus on progress more than completion.  Make sure to do something every day to move forward on the initiatives most important to you. ​  Small steps are usually better than large as they are easier to maintain for the long haul.  Large steps become difficult, laborious, and heavy and are often the first to go when the going gets tough.  

What are you moving forward on today?  Where are you progressing TODAY?