When I was in college I ran a business “on the side” of going to classes and playing football. Saying I was busy was an understatement. Monday through Friday consisted of football practice, meetings, and conditioning, a full class schedule, and in between all of that I would make sales calls. Saturdays were game day and Sundays were post-game review. My time, mind, and body were consumed by activities that lead to forward progress.
I did not have time or energy to watch the news, follow the latest celebrity gossip, or get into arguments with anybody about anything. It is easy to get sucked in to the reverse of this. Being consumed with the news and political pundits (unless that is your J.O.B.) will land you in an insane asylum if not in reality than figuratively. You will fear everything and everybody, you will feel hate towards your fellow man, you will find despair easier than joy.
Find positive activities and let them consume your mind, body, and soul. Dive into them with vim and vigor. Pay attention to what is going on in the world but do not let it consume your hopes, dreams, and desires. Do not let doom and gloom put out your fire.
First you must be your guiding light. Then you will become the person that others come to for warmth. Eventually you will be a light in the world amongst the darkness.
We need people like you to be their best in the good times and the bad…in the light and in the dark.
Keep your light shining bright!