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814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

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409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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Me: “How far along are you?”

Bridget: “30-weeks, and everything is becoming difficult.”

Me: I bet, I don’t know how you (collectively women) do it.”

Bridget: “I have no choice.”

Thanks Bridget for a lesson in motivation today.

How do you get something difficult done?

You put yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to see it through.

Once, you have no other choice but seeing it through you accept it.

Once you accept it you have the opportunity to optimize it.

Even if you choose not to optimize it accepting it for something that must be done no matter what will improve your mental outlook and completion percentage.

If a thing has to be done why not do it to the best of your ability?

If a thing has to be done why not attack it?

If a thing has to be done why not finish it?!

Brett “Impregnated with Motivation” Denton