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Stay Connected

When I first started writing a daily (Monday – Friday) email they were just short of terrible (not that they’re works of art now either).

Further, when I first started I also stopped.

My first go didn’t last long.

Nor did the second go.

Like many things in life I started and stopped severely times on the path to finding a rhythm.

Part of it was finding when to write (when I first started they took me 60 – 90 minutes each).

Part of it was thinking of new content.

Part of it was a fear of what people might think.

Part of it was simply some days I just didn’t feel like writing.

The strange thing is that all of these things are still present and yet I’m getting my writing done anyway.

What is the difference?

I’m not 100% certain, but I think it comes down to these few things.

1.  I kept at it.

2.  I gave myself a compelling reason to write.

3.  I oriented myself to enjoy writing.

4.  I blocked out time in my schedule to ensure I had no conflicts or excuses about not having time.

5.  I started receiving positive feedback that helped keep my fears and doubts at bay (even though they were from my mom and wife, the two people that would support me no matter how bad the emails were).

Nearly every time I start something new I go through a similar path.

I have done it enough times now that I should know it well and yet I still doubt and question myself at the beginning every time.

When you’re starting something new be it a workout program, new job, or new venture I hope this email helps spur you on.

Brett “261 Emails Per Year” Denton