Marie Kondo has become famous for her tidying up methods.
These methods work well for your physical spaces and they also work well for other areas of your life
Let’s look at how you can KonMarie your life with step one of the KonMarie Method.
Step 1: Tidy in one shot, as quickly, and completely, as possible.
Did your mom ever tell you to rip it off like a bandaid?
That’s what we’re talking about here.
When you let stuff linger you lose motivation and momentum.
When you get the motivation to work out…GO WORKOUT…sign up for a program…do something NOW that harnesses that spark of motivation and turns it into momentum.
Get as much done in one shot as you can.
Go for a walk and while walking sign up for a program, buy new shoes and workout clothes on amazon (Prime day is a bonus, not a necessity), schedule your workout sessions on your calendar…for extra credit do a kitchen clean-up when you get home throwing out all foods that will sabotage your fitness efforts.
Your looking for quick, effective, and efficient ways to get into action and get as much done as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Tidy in one shot, as quickly, and completely as possible.
How about using this principle for your finances?
Schedule time to get your finances set up on autopilot.
Set your financial goals, clean up debts, pay outstanding bills, set up automatic savings plans, set up retirement plans, set up and review insurance needs, set up a bank account tracking system, choose what you will do with bonuses and extra income…do all of this in one shot.
Then review the system every week.
That’s it. Finances are now set up to create wealth for you without much more mental energy or time from you.
Tidy in one shot, as quickly, and completely, as possible.
The major goal here is to get as much done as quickly as possible so you can get it off your plate and move on.
When you let things linger they rot and mold your motivation and momentum like a pile of rotten fruit turning into brown, stinky, gooey, ooze.
You don’t want to be brown, stinky, gooey, ooze…right?
Let’s look at your mental and emotional clutter.
Pick a time to clean out your brain.
Write down everything that is on your mind and everything that is causing you emotional stress.
Now, do, delegate, or delete these items one by one…NO SKIPPING OVER ANY OF THEM.
Spend however much time is necessary to get everything off your list and completed, delegated to time on your calendar or somebody else, or deleted from your life (see discarding with gratitude from the KonMarie method for this).
Do this at least once a month.
Tidy in one shot, as quickly, and completely, as possible.
Have a sense of urgency and purpose with a side of ATTACK mentality when applying step one of the KonMarie method to your life.
Think of it like a Special Forces agent going on a critical one-shot mission.
You get one shot.
You have to do it as quickly and completely as possible with the tools available.
Brett “KonMarie Special Forces” Denton