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814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

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409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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Marie Kondo has become famous for her tidying up methods.

She has a Netflix show, bestselling book, media company, and Konmari-ed has been turned into a verb (this last one, in my opinion, is the ultimate sign that you have made it big).

If you follow her method you will likely have a tidier house.

Here method comes down to three simple steps.

Step 1: Tidy in one shot, as quickly, and completely, as possible.

Step 2: Sort by category, not by location.

Step 3: Does it “spark joy”.

The KonMarie method will work for more than just your cluttered physical spaces.

You can KonMarie just about anything.

You, me, and the majority of the Western world have too much clutter in our physical, mental, and emotional environments.

We focus on mindless and massive accumulation instead of pursuing that which is essentialism.

Clutter and mindless massive accumulation lead to constant mental, physical, emotional, and financial strain and stress.

Over the next few days, I’m going to help you KonMarie your life.

Brett “Channeling My Inner Marie Kondo” Denton