My third and final installment of “Get KonMari-ed” may be the most vital to living a happy fulfilled life.
Step three of the KonMari Method is to ask yourself “Does it spark joy?”
Mari Kondo is referring to the objects and clutter in your house and again, like the other steps of the KonMari Method, this can apply to other areas of your life.
Does your career spark joy?
Do your relationships spark joy?
Does the place you live spark joy?
Does your daily schedule spark joy?
Go through your day asking yourself…
“Does this spark joy?”
If it does not you have two main options.
Option 1: Find a way to eliminate and replace.
Option 2: When something does not spark joy but is something you can’t escape or it’s something that’s beneficial for you and will lead to joy in the long run, find or create a way to ensure it sparks joy now.
Focus on the outcome. Focus on the joy of hard work. Focus on the sense of accomplishment. Enroll other people that you enjoy spending time with. Focus on being the best at it. Turn it into a game.
There are countless ways to turn drudgery into joy.
This transformation starts with your mind.
Your thoughts will determine your feelings about something.
Work to gain control over your thoughts and you will be well ahead of the curve.
Get in the habit of asking yourself frequently “does this spark joy?” for everything in your life.
If it does not DO NOT let if fester deal with it as Mari Kondo would say in step one of the KonMari Method…
“…As quicky, and completely, as possible.”
This is your only life as far as I am aware there is no need to not experience as much joy as possible.
Brett “Get KonMari-ed” Denton