I was listening to a book discussing marriage.
For a marriage to last…
– You must take responsibility for your faults…you know the things that annoy your partner.
– You must commit for the long haul.
– Marriage moves from lust and passion to deep love and appreciation the longer it lasts.
– You have to be willing to appreciate the challenges and faults of your partner and your relationship.
– You have to know the difference between faults and abuse.
– The longer it lasts the more comfortable and comforting it becomes.
– To keep the spark alive engage in new activities both as a couple and separately.
– Do things for the other person with no reciprocity expected.
For fitness to last…
– You must take responsibility for your faults and counterbalance them.
– You must commit for the long haul.
– Fitness moves from short term fixes to a deep appreciation and need the longer you experience it.
– You have to be willing to appreciate the challenges fitness provides you.
– You have to know the difference between challenges and abusing your body.
– Fitness becomes your new normal if you do it long enough.
– Try new types of physical activities to stay engaged with fitness.
– Do fitness for the sake of doing fitness with no expectation of external rewards.
Brett “Till Death Do Us Part” Denton