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(208) 314-2110



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814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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Life is a rotten lottery. I’ve had a pretty amazing life, a good life, and God knows I’m thankful, but I do believe that after 30, stop whining! Everybody’s dealt a hand, and it’s not fair what you get. But you’ve got to deal with it.” John Waters, Director

Life laughs in the face of anybody who dares to think that life should be fair.  The playing field is never even.  There is always, always, even if slight, an “unfair” advantage.  

The question then isn’t of fairness, but of how are you going to ensure the “unfair” advantage is on your side?  How do you create a playing field where you are the likely winner?  

How do you do your best to be your best and create an environment where you have the greatest opportunity for success? Get over the fair/unfair discussion and accept it as it is.  Focus all of your energy on tipping the scales towards your success.