It is my opinion that the government has no idea what it is doing right now and most of the time in general. The government is basing is choices on a guess based on a guess, no matter how educated. It is also my opinion that this is life. Most of us have no idea what we are doing most of the time. We base our choices on guesses on top of guesses, sometimes educated and sometimes based on nothing more than emotion.
In direct response marketing, everything is put the test. In science, everything is put to the test. Yet in life, we give false impressions of knowing without rigorous testing. We even fool ourselves. This is harming us and our results.
Starting with assumptions is great, but we must put those assumptions to the test in the real world in actual situations and stop thinking we know anything. What we know may be true for one specific circumstance but completely wrong for another seemingly similar circumstance.
We are figuring this thing out and none of us have it all figured out. Even if we did we only have it figured out for the specific situation and under the specific circumstances in which it worked, not in the countless others that our “knowing” may or may not work.
Look upon the world as a big test. Have assumptions. Test your assumptions. When they fail, find new assumptions. This is life and you would be well served to remember it and practice instead of being stuck in the rigidity of already always knowing.