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(208) 314-2110



Boise Location

814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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How many times have you done something perfectly the first time?

And if, on the off-chance you have, what are the chances it was due to luck, not skill?

Yet, you likely still think things should be perfect the first time, and so do I.

When we onboard new coaching clients, we emphasize that it takes time, usually about three months, to get their program custom-tailored to them…

It is not a one-size-fits-all program…
Customization takes many iterations and time living those iterations to perfect…

Not to mention that we are fickle and tend to change our preferences every few days…

Finding “ideal” can often feel like trying to catch a greased pig…

It takes time, patience, grit, effort…

​The pig has to stand still for long enough or slow down enough for us to tackle it.

Yet, very few of us are up to the task of catching that greased pig…

Most of us prefer to watch others “make fools of themselves” trying to catch it…

While we sit back in our “comfort zone” laughing, pointing, and critiquing…

Refusing to get in the arena and chase after the pig ourselves…

Because, why?

Fear, embarrassment, worry?

Are afraid to get our hands dirty…
It is way more fun watching and laughing at somebody else trying to catch that greased pig…

Yet for the people that do catch the pig goes all the spoils…
We are in the stands in awe of them…

Wondering how they did.

Well, maybe it is time to get in the arena and chase that pig…

Iterate until you find YOUR ideal way of catching it…

And catch it!