11.05.2024 02.20.44 REC

Contact us


(208) 314-2110



Boise Location

814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

Stay Connected

How many days have you felt as though you didn’t accomplish much?

It’s easy to be busy.  There’s always something else to check off the good old to-do list.  

Being busy is not the same as making progress or improving.  

Daily reflection and review is a great way to increase your awareness and ultimately “life value.”

Start by asking yourself one simple question at the end of each day.

Ask yourself this…

“Did I use my time today for the best and highest use?”

To make more progress, follow your answer to the question with a follow-up question…

“How could I have better utilized my time?”

Ask yourself this question for 30 days in a row, and I guarantee you will become more productive, happier, and more fulfilled.