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Keyboards have little bumps on keys F and J…

These bumps serve as a GPS of sorts for your fingers.

Just this morning, I was typing away, and the letters appearing on my computer screen did not align with what I was typing… 

gvoyvvvl yovkorlfv e;/c…

I had shifted my hands over one key…


And I went from typing legible words to my brain feeling like it wasn’t working correctly…

I knew what I meant to be typing…

And my fingers were moving as they had always moved…

Yet the output was off.

Often we are one “key” over and away from success.

I am a HUGE proponent of coaching…

A coach provides outside eyes and opinions…

A typing coach might tell me…

“Hey, you need to move your hand to the right one key, and you will knock this out of the park.”

We are often so close to success…

And yet feel so far away…

Like the typing on a keyboard when are hands are shifted one key over, and complete nonsense appears on our screens even though everything “feels” right.

Whether you have a coach, hire a coach, or just need to ask a friend for outside eyes, my guess is you are so close to success…

All you need to do is find where you are a key or two misaligned, and legitimate coherent “words” will appear…

Where once was jibberish and what appears as failure.  

Tiny shifts can take you from ordinary to extraordinary…