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814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

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409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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Stranger Things

In the Netflix series Stranger Things there’s an alternate dimension called the Upside Down that is trying to invade the world. The upside down is an insidious superorganism of death and destruction. I think we all face our own Upside Down, don’t we? There...

What’s At Stake?

When we’re not doing something we know we should be doing it’s generally because we haven’t taken to heart and fully accepted what’s at stake. We haven’t rallied our emotions around the issue. Taking an inventory of what’s at stake...

You Need Control

In scientific studies, you must have a control group. The control group is the standard to which the experimental groups are compared. Before you start making any changes to your life figure out what your standard or control is. Create a solid control before...

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?

You can have your cake and eat it too. The rub is how much cake we’re talking about and exactly when and how much you are going to eat. This equation seems to be what everybody is working to master. How can I have X results and still do Y actions? Examples...

7 Fast Ways to Improve Your Day

When you are having a bad day do you sit and brood or do you have a favorite way to snap yourself out of it? Do you turn to food to boost your mood or do you like to sweat to destroy your fret? Here are 5 surefire ways to KO a bad day. 1.  Exercise Exercising causes...

How Do I Love Thee?

It’s easy to beat ourselves up for our failures and missteps. It’s easy to berate our peers, staff, and team for their shortcomings. However, rarely does this negative energy lead to positive outcomes. Note: there is a difference between purposeful...

Get KonMari-ed! (Part One)

Marie Kondo has become famous for her tidying up methods. She has a Netflix show, bestselling book, media company, and Konmari-ed has been turned into a verb (this last one, in my opinion, is the ultimate sign that you have made it big). If you follow her method you...

Love, Hate, or Both

My boys learned to ride bikes this past week! There’s nothing quite like the instant when somebody goes from not being able to do something to being able to do it. It’s damn near magical. I’m young in my fathering career and still learning the best...

Get KonMari-ed! (Part Two)

Marie Kondo has become famous for her tidying up methods.These methods work well for your physical spaces and they also work well for other areas of your lifeLet’s look at how you can KonMarie your life with step one of the KonMarie Method.Step 1: Tidy in...

Get KonMari-ed! (Part Three)

Step two of the KonMarie Method is to sort by category, not by location. Marie has you separate items into 5 categories: Clothing Books Papers Komono (miscellaneous items) Mementos (items with sentimental value) Start with the easiest category and work towards the...