11.05.2024 02.20.44 REC

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(208) 314-2110



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814 W Jefferson St Boise, ID 83702

Hailey Location

409 N Main St, Hailey, ID 83333

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Life Rarely Works That Way

Can you remember a time when you did everything “just right” and things still didn’t turn out the way you had hoped and planned?  You worked so hard and yet the fruits of your labor were sour, rotten, sparse, or non-existent?I cannot remember a time...

A Pause…

I was talking to a fellow business owner yesterday and they said their business is doing great, busiest they have been.  The coronavirus has been a boon for some industries and the grim reaper for others.   I am a gym owner and thus fall into the latter category of...


Getting things done.  Accomplishing stuff.  Succeeding.  Do these two things and the rest will take care of itself.First, start.Second, finish.On Starting:Getting over inertia can be challenging IF you allow it to be, but you don’t have to allow it to be. Start...

Paul and Teddy

Paul Tudor Jones hedge fund manager, conservationist and philanthropist once said, “you adapt, evolve, compete or die.”What Paul said resonates at the moment especially for business owners.  Our world has been turned upside down and inside out.  Nobody...

Break the Mold

In fitness, we are continually trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.For example, a Kvellian mentioned to me that their body felt best after three days of rest.  The program they were doing called for two days rest so they asked should I just suck it up.  My...

You Have What It Takes

Imagine that you are trying to build a clay pot, but you have no clay.  What is the first step?  Acquiring clay, right?Great, now that you have your clay what’s next?  Well, for most of us it would be learning the techniques and process of working with clay and...

Be Steadfast…

No matter how dire the circumstance or how grim the fate, be steadfast. Pursue your vision and goals with tireless conviction and faith.  There is nobody like you and you are the only one who can accomplish what you can accomplish. To that point, there is nobody who...

Someone Is Always Watching

Every action, every step, every misstep, everything you do is being watched and judged every second of every day.  This is more prominent when you are a politician or celebrity, yet it is true for us all.  How do you act when you think nobody is watching?If you have...

Do You Know?

It is my opinion that the government has no idea what it is doing right now and most of the time in general.  The government is basing is choices on a guess based on a guess, no matter how educated.  It is also my opinion that this is life.  Most of us have no idea...

30,474 Reasons…

I was so frustrated.  My computer was freezing, stopping, and taking forever to do anything.  I had cleared my dashboard, cookies, and made sure my internet was tip-top speed.  There is a certain flavor of simmering rage that takes over when technology doesn’t...